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Thinking Ahead . . .

I’ve never been a countdown person. Whenever someone asked how many days until the end of the school year, I would think more than 10, and I still have concerts to do. Keeping kids going with some of my favorite activities always made the end of the year fun and engaging for all of us.

Now that I’m nearing the end of my Alexander Technique training, I’m fighting the urge to get into countdown mode. I still have a lot to accomplish here, so I need to stay focused. At the same time, I have to get started on business plans, secure a teaching location, and write policies and marketing information. Two full terms plus a lot of legwork! Not time for a countdown yet!

After the lessons that covered ethics and business practices during this term, however, it feels like time to make plans. Here are some current ideas, and, though I’m not taking students at this point, I welcome questions and feedback.

Beginning with the familiar . . .

Let’s Make Music Together

2-3-4 year olds with an adult

Weekly movement, vocal and rhythm exploration with take-home materials and a family sharing event at the end.

My First Music Class

3-4-5 year olds

Weekly movement, vocal and rhythm exploration with take-home materials and a family sharing event at the end.

World Music Drumming

10+ year olds, families

Weekly class based on Will Schmid’s curriculum, which incorporates African and Latin American ensembles into a structured learning and sharing setting.

Moving into new skills . . .

Introduction to the Alexander Technique


5 student maximum

Based on Deborah Caplan’s book Back Trouble, this class is open to 5 students who will meet in a group for 8 sessions to explore basic movements of the Alexander Technique.

Private Alexander Technique lessons will also be available.

Cursive Club

7+ year olds

5 student maximum

Designed for children who are able to print letters and numbers while sitting on a chair at a desk or table, this class will cover reading and writing cursive letters. The first level will focus on lower case letters and writing first and last name. The second level will focus on upper case letters.

Building Better Attention

One on one sessions using auditory stimulation, developmental movement, and timing training to improve attention and function in school. No drugs involved.

No times, costs, or even locations have been determined yet, but it’s fun to dream about actually teaching again! And being back home! Thanks for thinking aloud with me . . . I really welcome your reactions and feedback.

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Apr 17, 2023

These classes all sound AMAZING Judy! I love your vision and I’m excited to see it come to fruition! - Briee R.

Apr 17, 2023
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Thanks, Briee! I'm looking forward!!


Pati Daisy
Pati Daisy
Apr 17, 2023

These sound really great, Judy. I bet it is hard not to get too far ahead of yourself when you can finally see the end in sight. One question I had while reading your first class description was when you say family sharing event at the end - do you mean an event /performance at the end of each class session or at the end of the term of the classes? I know I'm being very literal, but it isn't perfectly clear to my 'very literal' brain. LOL, Pati

Apr 17, 2023
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Good question. Thanks! It would be the last class, usually the 10th week. Yes, it's just a family class sharing event, not exactly a performance and definitely not a public event, but hitting all the favorites.

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