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Pass & Bounce Club

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Summer Schedule!


8 weeks in June & July

HUB 712 on Adams Street in Carroll


Choose a section

Monday 1 pm

Tuesday 6 pm

Thursday 10 am

Saturday 11 am


cost $80


Age 6 and up

minimum 3 students

maximum 8 students

Learn tossing and bouncing patterns with beanbags and racquet balls. It's a FUN way to engage the brain and build focus!


Patterns are based on Bal-A-Vis-X curriculum. Timing is the name of the game, but balance, vision, and auditory skills coordinate in the body to get the brain working at peak performance.


This curriculum was developed by Bill Hubert for his middle school students, and there is data on how his students improved scores in their school work. Check his website for details.

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